Peaceful Christmas! / Rauhallista joulua!


There is a heavy year behind. In the world has happened tragic accidents and atrocities. Finnish atmosphere has changed bleak and oppressive. Xenophobia has driven asylum seekers into a corner and out of the country, families have been separated, the poor have become poorer and increased, I do not feel such a fatherland my own.
Probably the destiny of refugees in Europe and anxious bread queues in Finland caused my Christmas card of this year, with which I’d like to wish good and the presence of angels to all the needy …

On raskas vuosi takana. Maailmassa on tapahtunut traagisia onnettomuuksia ja julmuuksia. Suomen ilmapiiri on muuttunut ankeaksi ja ahdistavaksi. Muukalaisviha on ajanut turvapaikanhakijat nurkkaan ja pois maasta, perheitä on erotettu, köyhät ovat köyhtyneet ja lisääntyneet, en tunne tällaista isänmaata omakseni.
Varmaan pakolaisten kohtalosta Euroopassa ja leipäjonojen ahdingosta Suomessa syntyi tämän vuotinen joulukorttini, jossa niin mielelläni toivoisin hyvää  ja enkelien läsnäoloa kaikille hätää kärsiville…

15 thoughts on “Peaceful Christmas! / Rauhallista joulua!

  1. 2016 ? – I agree with you, Pirkko: a most unpleasant year. We can only hope that next year does not continue that downward spiral: but with America unable to avoid a certain type of insanity, we are all likely to be affected by that in one way or another … What makes me happy that I am not young is that the world is now entirely driven by financial gain: money is all that matters, and those in the obsessive hunt for it grow more numerous with each year. [sighh …]
    Well. let us, the ordinary people enjoy what we can – such as your amazingly wonderful cards !
    Ottakaa vastaan minun terveiset.

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